'Indexed, though blocked by robots.txt' warning - how to approach it?

Yes, add the meta noindex tag to each page and remove the pages from robots.txt to allow Google to crawl the pages. If the pages aren't removed ...

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Google is Deindexing all my shopify pages because of the robots.txt ...

If your pages are being blocked by the robots.txt file, it can result in a drop in traffic and rankings. If you are unable to find the robots.

How To Fix the Indexed Though Blocked by robots.txt Error ... - Kinsta

Learn how to fix the indexed though blocked by robots.txt Error using two methods and help Google index your online content properly.

What could be the reason why I am getting the error “Submitted URL ...

Identify the pages that are blocked. You can do this by looking at the list of URLs in the Search Console report. Open your robots.txt file.

How to Fix Sitemap Contains URLs Which Are Blocked by Robots.txt

A robots.txt file is handy for telling search engines which parts of a website should be crawled/indexed and which parts shouldn't.

URL Blocked by Robots.txt - What is this Error? How do I Fix It?

txt error means that, whilst the URL has been blocked from crawling by the website's robots.txt file, the URL is still being indexed for some ...

Is Yoast blocking sitemaps and robots.txt from being crawled? - Reddit

txt can't be crawled. The sitemaps are setup and submitted but haven't been crawled. I found some support pages talking about using Googles ...